Thursday, October 18, 2018

Benefits of Mango Leaves

The tender leaves of the mango tree contain tannins called anthocyanidins that may help in treating early diabetes. The leaves are dried and powdered, or used as an infusion to treat the same. It also helps to treat diabetic angiopathy and diabetic retinopathy. Soak the leaves in a cup of water overnight or cook it for 30mins with clean water and drink when it's cool.
Regulates diabetes
Lowers blood pressure and risk of hypertension
Dissolve gall and kidney stones
Treats restlessness
Cures respiratory problems
Cures dysentery
Provides relief from ear aches
Heal burns
Cures hiccups
Prevents various stomach ailments.

Health Benefit of Cotton Leaf

"Ewe owu" as it is popularly called in Yoruba. This is a cotton leaf. It has sourish many health benefits which I would discuss some.
It is a good source of blood.  Blood is defined as the fluid that circulates throughout the body, via the arteries and veins, providing a vehicle by which a lot of substances are transported between the various organs and tissues of the body. Blood plays a very important role in our daily life; any problem to blood, its production, its quantity and quality, can cause death.
Blood shortage (Anaemia) may be defined as a condition in which there is a reduction in the quantity of the oxygen-carrying pigment (Haemoglobin), a state in which the haemoglobin is below the expected level.
It treats ulcer.
It's good for diabetes.
It treats malaria, fever and chills.
Treats convulsions, deep breathing and respiratory distress.
Treats abnormal bleeding and signs of anemia.
Treats jaundice and vital organ dysfunction.
The juice can be squeezed out or it can be boiled with clean water.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Unripe plantain, a healthy food for all

Studies have shown that plantains provide essential minerals that help keep your body running efficiently. As a matter of fact, a cup of sliced, cooked plantains has 49 milligrams of magnesium and 716 milligrams of potassium, giving you 15 percent of your recommended daily intake for each of these minerals.
And unripe plantain is very rich in calcium. In addition to bone strengthening, plantain also encourages stronger muscles, nails, and teeth. This is why medical practitioners affirm that eating unripe plantain helps prevent diseases such as osteoporosis which involves the weakening of the bones and causes fractures.
It reduces the number of harmful free radicals.
It boosts sexual performance.
It is very good for the heart.
It strengthens stronger bones.
It can prevent ulcer.
It's a good food for diabetes.
The fiber content reduces cholesterol level which reduce the
risk of developing any heart disease.
It is extremely low in fat and salt.
The presence of potassium in an unripe plantain prevent
heart attack and hypertension by controlling the heart rate and
blood pressure.
The presence of serotonin, that aids and improves blood
flow and reduces homocystine a condition that causes
coronary artery disease and stroke.
It contains vitamin B6 which helps in the production of red
blood cells.
Vitamin B6 helps to cure inflammation of the nerve.
 Due to the low carbohydrate content it can serve as a diet
for the control of weight, type 1 or type 2 diabetes,
hypertension and a few other medical conditions.
 It reduces constipation.
Aids in circulatory and digestive system.
 It contains vitamin A for good eye sight and vision.
It also contains calcium which helps to prevent disease
such as osteoporosis. While calcium is needed for stronger
bones, muscles, nail s and teeth.
The presence of phytochemical properties such as
leucocyanidin can prevent ulcer.
The presence of vitamin B6 and C makes unripe plantain
good for skin complexion, builds immunity against disease and
free radicals.
Be it roasted or cooked, it increases sperm volume and
thicken fluid.
It enhances sexual performances, reduces sexual
weakness, impotence and increase libido.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Apple cider vinegar and it's health benefits.

Apple cider vinegar is made by fermenting the sugar from apples. This turns them into acetic acid, which is the active ingredient in vinegar.
Apple cider vinegar is the most popular type of vinegar in the natural health community.
It is claimed to lead to all sorts of benefits, many of which are supported by science.
The main substance in vinegar, acetic acid, can kill harmful bacteria or prevent them from multiplying. It has a history of use as a disinfectant and natural preservative.
Lowers Blood Sugar Levels and Fights Diabetes. Apple cider vinegar has shown great promise in improving insulin sensitivity and helping lower blood sugar responses after meals.
Helps You Lose Weight and Reduces Belly Fat.
Lowers Cholesterol and Improves Heart Health.
May Have Protective Effects Against Cancer.Cancer is a terrible disease characterized by the uncontrolled growth of cells.
In fact, numerous studies have shown that various types of vinegar can kill cancer cells and shrink tumors

Health Benefits of Cashew Leaves and Trees

Cashew leaves and its barks have more beneficial effects than we though, it is very effective in addressing numerous health issues.
Cashew tree has a scientific name of “Anacardium occidentale,” a tropical evergreen tree that can be usually found in tropical countries such as northeastern Brazil, Vietnam, India, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, and the Philippines.

young leaves of cashew were used in treating numerous diseases and skin Issues. While its barks are also used in addressing various health problems and provides more beneficial effects on the body’s health.

Its barks and leaves contain antifungal, anti-parasitic, antibacterial, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties. Similar to cashes nuts its leaves also contains vitamins B, C, E, K thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, and pantothenic acid.
It has minerals such as protein, zinc, iron, calcium, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, sodium, and potassium. It is also rich in antioxidants that can help the body to fight free radicals, which can cause harm to the body. Soaking its barks in water for about a day can be used to control blood sugar levels, treats a sore throat, used as a mouthwash, and reduces blood pressure. The decoction of its leaves can treat diarrhea, dysentery, hemorrhoids, skin disorders, cuts, burns, and wounds.
It can also treat allergies, kidney stones, dermatitis, gall stones, anemia, diabetes, and heart diseases. It also promotes healthy bones, teeth, skin, and hair. It can also boost the immune system, increase red blood cells, and can be used to treat cancer.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Benefits of Apple

Apples are extremely rich in important antioxidants, flavanoids, and dietary fiber. The phytonutrients and antioxidants in apples may help reduce the risk of developing cancer, hypertension, diabetes, and heart diseases.

Health benefits of pomegranates

It contains more than 100 phytochemicals, the juice is healthy, it boosts immune system, prevents cancer and improves fertility.
The health benefits includes:
1. Antioxidant - It has more antioxidants than red wine and green tea. It helps protect cells from damage and reduce inflammation.
2. Rich in vitamin c - It has more than 40% of your daily requirement of vitamin c. The juice should be extracted by oneself or freshly to get the most of nutrients.
3. Cancer prevention - It helps stop the growth of prostate cancer cells.
4. Digestion - It reduces inflammation and improve digestion.
5. Anti-inflammatory - It prevents oxidant stress and damage.
6. Arthritis - Flavonols in the juice may help block the inflammation that contribute to osteoarthritis and cartilage damage.
7. Heart disease - It is the most healthy juice for the heart. The juice improves blood flow and keep arteries from becoming stiff and thick.
8. Blood pressure - Drinking the juice daily may help lower systolic blood pressure.
9. Boost memory performance - Drinking it daily may help improve learning and memory.
10. Boost sexual performance and fertility-It impact oxidative stress, make it a potential fertility aid. Drinking it can also increase testosterone levels in men, one of the hormones behind sex drive.
11. Diabetes - It helps decrease insulin resistance and lower blood sugar.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Benefits of cnidoscolus plant also referred to as "efo Iyanapaja"

I was surprised when my mum showed me this vegetable in our garden and she referred to it as "efo Iyanapaja" I laughed at first thinking she just made up the name herself, because there's a place here in lagos that shares the same name as the vegetable. I did a little research to find out more about the Iyana Ipaja Vegetable. Here are a few things I found out:

This vegetable is also known as cnidoscolus chayamansa and is useful for treatment of anemia and alcohol-related diseases. It helps to increase the life span of red blood cells and in some quarters it is referred to as a “blood tonic”. Other names for the Iyana Ipaja vegetable include tree spinach, efo Jerusalem(Yoruba). Research shows that it can be effective in serving as a sedative therefore useful in helping to cure insomnia.
A wide variety of claims have been made for its medicinal efficacy as a treatment for numerous ailments ranging from its ability to strengthen fingernails and darken gray hair to providing a cure for alcoholism, insomnia, gout, scorpion stings, memory and vision impairment.

Does it provide relief for insomnia? Experts in a laboratory assessment of the leaves of Cnidoscolous aconitifolius suggested that it is an effective sedative largely owing to its profound depression of central nervous system, by extension it is said to be useful in treating insomnia and anxiety in humans. Most adults have experienced insomnia or sleeplessness at one time or the other in their lives. This is a sleep disorder in which there is loss of ability to sleep or to remain asleep for as long as is desired. Therefore this vegetable is very effective for people with High blood pressure

Health Benefit of Tumeric

One of these wonders of nature is turmeric. More commonly known as ata ile pupa among the Yorubas and kurkum among Hausas, this staining, yellow- coloured spice with a pungent flavour is of the ginger family and has medicinal benefits that date as far back as thousands of years. Although it was used as a dye and for cosmetic purposes, its therapeutic benefit was not overlooked.The medicinal potency of turmeric, according to research, lies in one of its active ingredients known as curcumin, which has long been known have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can relieve the aches and pains in arthritis and promote healing of wounds without leaving a scar. However, new research has begun to point out to the amazing powers of turmeric in preventing cancer as well as cleansing the liver.

In the study, “Anticancer Potentials of Curcumin: Preclinical and Clinical Studies,” published in the journal, Anticancer Research, it was discovered that “curcumin can suppress tumour initiation, promotion and metastasis”, in other words, it can prevent the formation, replication and spread of cancer cells.

Researchers at Ludwig Maximilians Universitat in Munich, Germany, also carried out a study that showed that curcumin prevents breast and prostate cancers and reduces their metastatic potential.

Not only is turmeric implicated in preventing breast and prostate cancer (the top cancers in women and men respectively), cancer researchers at the MD Anderson Cancer Center, Texas, United States of America,  have stated that it is effective against many types of cancer because it suppresses angiogenesis (the growth of blood vessels essential to a tumour). According to Professor Bharat Aggarwal, a researcher at the centre, “no cancer has been found, to my knowledge, which is not affected by curcumin. The reason it is so effective against cancer is that it hits not just a single target or cell signalling pathway but dozens of targets implicated in cancer.”

Medical experts, however, add that “this does not mean that the compound should be seen as a replacement for conventional therapies. However, it could play a positive role in primary prevention – before a full-blown tumour arises – or help to avert formation of metastases.” They add that “the fact that the substance (turmeric) is well tolerated is very important, because one can safely recommend it to individuals who have an increased tumour risk.”

Besides its anticancer powers, it is also known to cleanse the liver and help prevent liver damage. The liver is one of the most important organs within the body as it is responsible for cleaning toxins from the blood, converting food to energy and producing bile, a fluid that aids digestion. The liver can be exposed to damage that arises from exposure to toxins, alcohol, oxidative stress, viral infections such as hepatitis and sometimes, certain medications and drugs.

A research carried out in St. Louis University, United States of America, has shown that turmeric can turn off a protein, leptin, which causes liver damage.

It was also shown to have the capability of detoxifying the liver and especially keeping the liver healthy during chemotherapy treatments.

It has also been used in relieving menstrual pain as it works as an antispasmodic on smooth muscle tissues, thus relieving pain associated with cramping.
Turmeric is one of the wonders of nature.Turmeric is a magic ingredient. It's health benefits includes:
1. It is a potent natural anti-inflammatory.
2. Natural pain killer.
3. Aids in fat metabolism and weight  management.
4. Treatment for depression.
5. Treatment for arthritis.
6. Stops growth of new blood vessel in tumors.
7. Helps in wound healing and damaged skin.
8. Fights bacterial infection, useful as disinfectant.
9. Helps treat dandruff if added to Olive oil.
10. Good tea for diabetes.
11. Prevents cancer.
12. Used to cleanse liver.

Inasmuch as this wonder of nature has remarkable health benefits, medical experts have stated that for those taking blood thinners, those with blood clotting disorders as well as women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, turmeric should not be taken without first consulting with your doctor

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Health Benefit of Bitter Apple

COMMON NAME: Bitter Apple, Wild Gourd, Egusi Melon
Local name : Egusi elili (Igbo), Bara (Yoruba),
PART(S) USED: White pulp of the fruit
The pulp of Citrullus colocynthis extracted in water has diverse healing properties few of which are;

1. Vermifuge action, that is WORM EXPELLING action.

2. Administered in cases of CHRONIC CONSTIPATION.

3. The extract of the fruit used for URINARY TRACT INFECTIONS .

4. It is effective in the treatment of abnormal accumulation of fluid in the abdomen.

5. Research shows that it helps in SHRINKING TUMORS , BENIGN as well as CANCEROUS.

6. When challenged by skin eruptions, there is no better herb to administer which is comparable to Citrullus colocynthis.

7. Reputed for dissolving ABDOMINAL tumors.

8. This plant possesses ANTI BACTERIAL properties.

9. This plant has can be used to treat sexual transmitted infections activity.

10. Citrullus colocynthis can be used for the treatment of LUNG INFECTIONS.

11. It stimulates and INCREASES MENSTRUAL. However, this plant is prohibited in pregnancy.

12. Citrullus colocynthis is a certified PURGATIVE herb.

13. It can help to reestablish flow of menses in case of ceased menstruation.

Please note that herbal supplements are best administered by trained health care providers.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Health benefits of Lagenaria breviflorus plant.

Lagenaria breviflorus is a medicinal plant belonging to Cucurbitaceae family. In Africa, it is locally named Eso-Ito, Eso-Itagiri, Tagiri among other names. it is also commonly referred as Pseudocolocynth.

The plant’s healing properties are extracted from the root and fruit.

The plant is used for the treatment of purgative, anthelmintics, cathartic, lumbago, diabetes mellitus, smallpox, chickenpox, abortifaecient. The information provided is not intended to be a substitute for medical treatment. Please consult your medical care provider before using herbal medicine, particularly if you have a medical condition or if you are pregnant or nursing

Benefits of Mango Leaves

The tender leaves of the mango tree contain tannins called anthocyanidins that may help in treating early diabetes. The leaves are dried...